AI Writing Assistants

590% growth in the past 3 years to $200M in ARR

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AI Writing Assistants

What is it?

Knowing how to sell by writing words is a powerful skill that gets you places. AI writing assistants help you write better, faster and error-free. Features usually include:

  • Utilize artificial intelligence to assist some portion of the writing process

  • Provide insight or recommendations to improve written work

  • Correct grammatical errors

Who’s the buyer?

Job title is often founders or marketing leadership. It’s a SMB-heavy product.

88% of buyers are in the SMB segment, 8% in the mid-market, and 5% in the enterprise market.

What is the problem?

The problem with writing persuasive copy is that it takes years of practice. AI helps with creating great error-free copy that hits all copywriting rules and gets people to take action.

How big is the market?

The top 10 players bring about $200M in ARR. The combined annual revenue of all players in the market is north of $3B.

How fast is it growing?

In the past 3 years, the market's supply side has grown 590% with an average of 95% year-over-year growth.

Who are the top 10 players?
How much are people paying?

Companies pay $20-$50 per month per user for AI copywriting tool.

How are they buying?

Most accounts are won with a product–led approach. You try the product on a free plan or a free trail and then you upgrade on a premium plan or a team’s plan. Some players offer a demo for teams with more than 20 seats.