Partner Ecosystem Software

$600M market that grew 800% in past 3 years

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Now let's go back to the category report.

Partner Ecosystem Software

What is it?

Some partnerships can drive a ton of growth. The reality is that it’s only adding about 10% of growth for most companies. Which is still good, but not great if you have to manage partners manually. This is why partner ecosystem tools help companies manage partners, share data with them, and track all of it. Partner ecosystem software usually includes these features:

  • Offer data collaboration features between two or more partners

  • Provide account mapping that allows users to identify potential customers and find relationships with other partner lists

  • Allow users to track how partners are performing with analytics and reporting

Who’s the buyer?

Job titles include sales leadership or partnership leadership. Channel partnership leadership could be also a great target buyer.

51% of buyers are in the SMB segment, 36% in the mid-market, and 13% in the enterprise market.

What is the problem?

Tracking partners can be hard. Usually, it’s a spreadsheet that sometimes is not updated. When working with partners you usually want to exchange some customer data with them. The problem partner ecosystem tools solve is the ability to work with partners on customer data without sharing too much of it.

How big is the market?

The top 10 players bring about $250M in ARR. The combined annual revenue of all players in the market is north of $2.5B.

How fast is it growing?

In the past 3 years, the market's supply side has grown 800% with an average of 109% year-over-year growth.

Who are the top 10 players?

Revenue numbers are estimated. The top of the market has raised over $500M. I would say that this could be a risk here: lots of dollars invested and no exits so far.

How much are people paying?

Companies pay around $10,000 to $50,000 per year for these tools. Pricing depends on how many panthers and records/leads you want to share with your partners.

How are they buying?

Most of them require a demo. However some companies allow you to connect your CRM and start exploring the tool for free.

Thanks for reading! If you want to see opportunities on how to dominate the partner ecosystem category - sign up for a free trial!