Org Chart Software

$650M market that grew 130% in the past 3 years

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Org Chart Software

What is it?

Large companies have complicated company structure - who reports to who, and who’s responsible for what. Org chart software helps map that. Think Miro boards for the company directory. Features include:

  • Ability to create business organizational charts

  • Allow users to upload employee data

  • Enable users to publish and update org charts with customization options

It’s pretty boring software that solves a big need for enterprises or companies that sell to enterprises. It can be used as an internal tool or as a sales tool to map the account to sell to.

Who’s the buyer?

Since the tool has many use cases, so it can be HR leadership, sales leadership, or customer success leadership. It’s one of these tools that can have multiple buyers depending on how you pitch it.

22% of buyers are in the SMB segment, 49% in the mid-market, and 38% in the enterprise market.

What is the problem?

I’d say there are 2 categories to that problem: internal and external. Internal is a big company need has a communication issue, teams are working in silos. And one of the ways they can solve that is by giving more visibility on who is working with who and who’s responsible for what.

The second problem org charts solve is external. A sales team need to map out how to sell to different divisions of the prospect. So they need to understand who is responsible for what to know who is the decision maker.

How big is the market?

The top 10 players bring about $650M in ARR. The combined annual revenue of all players in the market is north of $4B.

How fast is it growing?

In the past 3 years, the market's supply side has grown 130% with an average of 33% year-over-year growth.

Who are the top 10 players?

Revenue numbers are estimated.

How much are people paying?

If this is an internal-focused use case, companies pay between $1 and $2.5 per month per profile. So for each employee in the directory. However, if this is an external-focused use case, then companies pay from $7 to $15 per month per creator.

How are they buying?

In most cases, you can just try it out. Some players require you to sit on a demo.

Thank you for reading! Remember to share if you enjoyed it.In the premium report, you'll find a case study on The Org and how they tried to build in that category and had to pivot. 

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