User Research Software

$4.5B market growing 25% YoY

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User Research Software

What is it?

When product teams build products, they use user research platforms to find potential users, show them prototypes, and ask for feedback. The platforms have the tech to ask questions and most often a pool of potential users that you can pay $10-$50 per session to give you feedback on what you’re building.

User research tools features usually include:

  • Offer one or more tools for engaging customers and/or visitors in real-life scenarios of brand interaction digitally, in person, or through a combination of the two

  • Facilitate the targeting of current customers/users for feedback, or source outside audience feedback

  • Allow for in-the-moment feedback that generates timely opinions pertaining to specific aspects of the buyer’s journey and their unique circumstances

  • Provide features or integrate with tools that help tag, sort, and share individual interviews and responses for analysis to enable organizations to make the correct optimization decisions

Some tools only offer the tech to conduct interviews and get feedback on the product. Think surveys to get customer feedback.

Who’s the buyer?

Job titles include product leadership. UI/UX research and market research is also the right team to buy this.

47% of buyers are in the SMB segment, 33% in the mid-market, and 19% in the enterprise market.

What is the problem?

Building products is hard. Sometimes you may think that what you’re building is great and will be easy to use. Unfortunately you’ll never know unless you ask for feedback.

User research platforms solve the problem of finding potential users to test for a prototype at scale without any hassle.

How big is the market?

The top 10 players bring about $415M in ARR. The combined annual revenue of all players in the market is north of $4.5B.

How fast is it growing?

In the past 3 years, the market's supply side has grown 96% with an average of 25% year-over-year growth.

Who are the top 10 players?

Revenue numbers are estimated.

How much are people paying?

Companies usually pay $30-$50 per 30 min session of live user feedback. User research tools take 20-50% commission on top of that. Tools that only offer survey functionality cost $50-$250 a month.

How are they buying?

It’s a simple self-serve motion where you can sign up and recruit users in a matter of minutes. No demo is required.

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